Dabei seit: 09.05.2010
Beiträge: 864
Herkunft: Verschlusssache Spielt mit: Sony PS4 500GB, Acer Notebook (core i5 2x2,26GHz), Sony Xperia Z2, Nintendo 3DS, PSVita
Will mit mir KZ3 spielen was aber nicht geht weil ich das ganze Wochenende bei Hunk bin.
Aber vllt kann er mir sagen wie ich mit dem iPhone in den Chat komme und was schreiben.
Dabei seit: 09.05.2010
Beiträge: 864
Herkunft: Verschlusssache Spielt mit: Sony PS4 500GB, Acer Notebook (core i5 2x2,26GHz), Sony Xperia Z2, Nintendo 3DS, PSVita
Dabei seit: 09.05.2010
Beiträge: 864
Herkunft: Verschlusssache Spielt mit: Sony PS4 500GB, Acer Notebook (core i5 2x2,26GHz), Sony Xperia Z2, Nintendo 3DS, PSVita
__________________ Einstein was right, time is relative to the observer.
When you're looking down the barrel of a gun, time slows down.
Your whole life flashes by, heartbreak and scars.
Stay with it, and you can live a lifetime in that split second.
__________________ Einstein was right, time is relative to the observer.
When you're looking down the barrel of a gun, time slows down.
Your whole life flashes by, heartbreak and scars.
Stay with it, and you can live a lifetime in that split second.
__________________ Einstein was right, time is relative to the observer.
When you're looking down the barrel of a gun, time slows down.
Your whole life flashes by, heartbreak and scars.
Stay with it, and you can live a lifetime in that split second.
Dürfte inzwischen die Solarstation verlassen haben.
__________________ Einstein was right, time is relative to the observer.
When you're looking down the barrel of a gun, time slows down.
Your whole life flashes by, heartbreak and scars.
Stay with it, and you can live a lifetime in that split second.